
Content Guidelines

We are an online marketplace which only welcomes true original artists and helps them share their creations with the world. We support content which encourages diversity, creativity and inspiration. At the same time, we are against the spread of illegal, discriminating and hateful content on the products we sell on our website. Therefore, we have some rules regarding the content you will upload on our website and to be able to help you understand such rules, we have created these Content Guidelines.

It is unacceptable to upload and sell the following contents on our website. If the content you upload and sell on our website violates our Content Guidelines, including but not limited to, we may deactivate and remove your design from our system or we may suspend or close your account.

Prohibited Contents:

We will decide, in our sole and absolute discretion, whether your content is in compliance with these Content Guidelines.

If you believe that the content on our website is inappropriate, please do not hesitate to report such content via [email protected].

Intellectual Property Rights Policy

If you are an intellectual property owner and you believe that your rights have been infringed, please provide a written notification to us. Please visit Our Intellectual Property Rights Policy for more information regarding the procedure to notify us of a potential infringement.